Scots Law: manuscript lecture notes from the University of Glasgow.

Glasgow, 1877-8.

2 vols, 4to, pp. I: 217, [1 (blank)], II: 220; in a neat hand on lined paper, text predominantly on rectos with additional notes on versos; printed exam paper dated 2 March pasted onto p. 219 of volume two; largely clean throughout; in contemporary half cloth, with ‘Scots Law Professor Berry Vol 1 [– 2]’ in gilt on upper board; somewhat worn, especially spines and extremities, but still sound.


US $503€479

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Scots Law: manuscript lecture notes from the University of Glasgow.

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A very comprehensive and legible set of manuscript notes from the lectures on Scots law given at Glasgow in the Martinmas and Candlemas terms of the academic year 1877-8 by Robert Berry (1825–1903), Regius Professor of Law at the University from 1867 to 1887. The course of study was an intensive one: between late November and late February, Berry gave sixty-one lectures on every aspect of Scots law, starting with the distinctions and relationship between Roman and common law and the roles of canon and feudal law in the Scots system, before entering into the details of inheritance, contract law, and the laws relating to everything from fraud to slander, auction sale to the rights of the insane. Where the English take a different approach, this is highlighted.

Alas, the student who took these exhaustive notes, annotated with citations and references on the facing versos, and with each lecture dated, has not been identified.

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