of Poems: viz. the Temple of Death: by the Marquis of Normanby with several Original Poems, never before printed, by the E. of Roscomm. The E. of Rochester. The E. of Orrery. Sir Charles Sedley. Sir George Etherege. Mr Granville. Mr. Stepney. Mr Dryden, &c.
London: Printed for Daniel Brown … and Benjamin Tooke … 1701.
8vo., pp. [8], 453, [3]; slightly foxed at the extremities, but a very good, crisp copy in contemporary speckled calf, rebacked.
Added to your basket:
of Poems: viz. the Temple of Death: by the Marquis of Normanby with several Original Poems, never before printed, by the E. of Roscomm. The E. of Rochester. The E. of Orrery. Sir Charles Sedley. Sir George Etherege. Mr Granville. Mr. Stepney. Mr Dryden, &c.
Fourth edition of the important ‘Temple of Death’ miscellany of Restoration poetry, retaining most of the poems from the third edition (1693) and adding much material, including all the poems on pp. 172-282 – with contributions from Stepney, Arwaker and Congreve – and the poems at the end (pp. 391-453), among them ‘The Spleen’ by Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea. Also notable is the first printing of John Philips’s remarkably popular Miltonic imitation The Splendid Shilling.
Case 151e.