GROUCHY, Nicolas de.
Praeceptiones dialecticae, Nicolao Gruchio Rotomagensi authore. Disputatio eiusdem, quid de nomine dialectices & logices cum Aristotele sentiendum sit, & quò singuli libri Organi Aristotelis pertineant.
Paris, Gabriel Buon, 1563.
4to, ff. 10, 28, title with woodcut printer’s device; light water-stains to a few leaves; a good copy in recent marbled boards with morocco lettering-piece.
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Praeceptiones dialecticae, Nicolao Gruchio Rotomagensi authore. Disputatio eiusdem, quid de nomine dialectices & logices cum Aristotele sentiendum sit, & quò singuli libri Organi Aristotelis pertineant.
An apparently unrecorded edition of Grouchy’s abstract of his lectures on logic and Aristotelian dialectic. The philologist Nicolas de Grouchy (1510–1572) spent twelve years in Bordeaux (1535-47) as professor of rhetoric at the Collège de Guyenne (the top class was called ‘Classe de Rhétorique’), and his book became part of the Collège’s published syllabus for the two-year course for philosophiae doctores. He also published Aristotle’s works in Joachim Perion’s Latin version and took a serious interest in jurisprudence. He was an important friend of George Buchanan whom (in 1547) he accompanied to Portugal as part of John III’s intended scheme for the reform of the College of Arts in Coimbra.
Grouchy’s Praeceptiones dialecticae were first published by Vascosan in 1552, with intermittent editions (all Parisian) over the following decade. OCLC finds Gabriel Buon’s 1560 edition in two collections (Mazarine and Bern), but we have been unable to trace any other copies of the present edition.