The Middle Parts of Fortune. Somme and Ancre, 1916.

Piazza Press, Issued to subscribers by Peter Davies, 1929.

Two vols, 8vo; lower and outer edges untrimmed; a fine copy in the original brown cloth (no slipcase); bookplate of the broadcaster and bibliophile D. G. Bridson.


US $930€900

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The Middle Parts of Fortune. Somme and Ancre, 1916.

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First, limited and unexpurgated edition of this masterpiece of the First World War, published anonymously (Manning was only identified as the author shortly before his death in 1943); no. 205 of 520 numbered copies.

The trade edition, with ‘prunings and excisions’ (of swear-words etc.), was published under the title Her Privates We. Ernest Hemingway thought it ‘the finest and noblest book of men in war that I have ever read. I read it once each year to remember how things really were so that I will never lie to myself nor to anyone else about them’. T. E. Lawrence confirmed that ‘no praise could be too sheer’.

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