Rostopchin i Kutuzov. Rossiia v 1812 godu. Perev. s predisloviem i primechaniiami A. El’nitskago [Rostopchin and Kutuzov. Russia in the year 1812. Translated and with a foreword and notes by A. El’nitskii.]
St. Petersburg, “Luch”, 1912
8vo, pp. 235, [3]; somewhat browned, title-page slightly spotted and with small scrape touching one word, pp. 191-2 stained; early quarter cloth and marbled boards.
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Rostopchin i Kutuzov. Rossiia v 1812 godu. Perev. s predisloviem i primechaniiami A. El’nitskago [Rostopchin and Kutuzov. Russia in the year 1812. Translated and with a foreword and notes by A. El’nitskii.]
First edition in Russian of La Russie en 1812, Rostopchine et Koutousof (1863), a history of Russia during the Napoleonic wars. The generals Rostopchin and Kutuzov would appear as major characters in War and Peace (1865 7), and Schnitzler’s original appeared just as Tolstoy began work on his novel.
Schnitzler (1802-1871), lived in Russia 1823-8, where he was an eye-witness to the Decembrist revolt of 1826, and collected the historical material that formed the basis of his numerous works on Russian history and personages.
OCLC records copies at Suny at Buffalo, Ohio, and Pennsylvania only.