Distinta descrizione della machina, luminari, ed ordinanza nella solenne processione fatta dalla venerabile archiconfraternita del santissimo crocifisso in S. Marcello di Roma nel portrare l’immagine del nostro salvator crocifisso alla basilica Vaticana la sera del giovedi santo nell’anno del giubileo MDCCLXXV …

Rome, per il Casaletti, 1775.

4to, pp. VIII; woodcut vignette to title, woodcut of Crucifixion to title verso, initial; a few small wormholes, a little toned and creased; disbound; ‘(13)’ inked at head of title.


US $310€300

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Distinta descrizione della machina, luminari, ed ordinanza nella solenne processione fatta dalla venerabile archiconfraternita del santissimo crocifisso in S. Marcello di Roma nel portrare l’immagine del nostro salvator crocifisso alla basilica Vaticana la sera del giovedi santo nell’anno del giubileo MDCCLXXV …

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Rare record of a procession made by members of the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Crucifix from the church of San Marcello in Rome to Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican in the jubilee year of 1775.

The text begins with a brief account of the miracle-working image of the Crucifixion preserved in San Marcello, before detailing the procession which set out from the church at 1 am on 13 April 1775. The account describes the participants (musicians, soldiers, torchbearers etc.), among whom the archconfraternity’s five ‘guardians’ and sixteen friars are named; the magnificent lamps employed to light the way; the splendid car on which the image was carried by eighty men, decorated with golden angels and silver flowers and wreaths; and the route taken to and from Saint Peter’s.

No copies traced in the US. Only one copy on Library Hub, at the BL.

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