Louis MacNeice, a memorial Address, delivered at All Souls, Langham Place on 17 October, 1963.

Privately printed for Faber & Faber, [1963].

8vo, pp. 14; a fine copy; pamphlet-stitched in pink printed wrappers over paper covers; laid in loose is the printed order of service from MacNeice’s funeral, and two newspaper cuttings.


US $186€179

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Louis MacNeice, a memorial Address, delivered at All Souls, Langham Place on 17 October, 1963.

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First edition, one of 250 copies, of Auden’s memorial address for Louis MacNeice, with the printed order of service and newspaper cuttings of poems on MacNeice, including ‘The Cave of Making’ by Auden (The Listener, 1 October 1964).

Provenance: From the library of the Manchester-born poet, journalist, and BBC radio producer D.G. Bridson (1910–1980). Bridson attended MacNeice's funeral, and had included MacNeice alongside Auden and others in ‘The Modern Muse’, his sixty-minute broadcast of contemporary poetry in 1938. Of MacNeice, Bridson wrote: ‘Louis was a unique poet: he was also a unique person. No doubt he would have been much embarrassed by the number of friends who mourned him, after his last broadcast had killed him off in such a tragically unnecessary way’ (Prospero and Ariel) – that is, from pneumonia caught while recording subterranean cave sounds for the radio play Persons from Porlock, in which the main character suffers an unnervingly similar fate.

Bloomfield and Mendelson A46.

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