Quattro prediche dell’istesso R. P. F. Mattia Bellintani Capuccino, della risurrettione. Della manifestatione di Christo resuscitato. Della annonciatione. Et della tentatione di Christo.
Brescia, Vincenzo Sabbio, 1598.
8vo, pp. 112; woodcut of St Francis to title, 3 woodcuts in the text, initials; some light marks and cockling, marginal wormhole to last two leaves; good in twentieth-century vellum backed carta rustica; some wear to corners and edges.
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Quattro prediche dell’istesso R. P. F. Mattia Bellintani Capuccino, della risurrettione. Della manifestatione di Christo resuscitato. Della annonciatione. Et della tentatione di Christo.
Very rare collection of sermons by the Capuchin friar Bellintani (1535–1611), illustrated with attractive woodcuts.
Delivered in Milan cathedral, the four sermons take as their subjects the resurrection of Christ, his subsequent appearances, the Annunciation of the Virgin, and the temptation of Christ, the first three each being illustrated with an appropriate woodcut. The Quattro prediche forms the second part of Delli dolori di Christo sig. nostro prediche otto … tutte predicate nel duomo di Milano l’anno 1597, the other part of which was published at Bergamo by Comino Ventura.
Bellintani was much admired as a preacher and teacher, not least by Carlo Borromeo, for whom he wrote his popular and much reprinted Prattica dell’oration mentale.
EDIT16 CNCE 4929; USTC 813306. No copies traced in the UK or US.