The History of Sandford and Merton; a Work intended for the Use of Children …

London: Printed for B. Crosby … Darton and Harvey … and T. Ostell … 1803.

12mo., pp. iv, 260, with a folding engraved frontispiece (tear without loss); a good copy contemporary marbled calf, front board detached (with the frontispiece and title page), boards and spine rubbed, spine chipped, back joint cracked.


US $186€179

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The History of Sandford and Merton; a Work intended for the Use of Children …

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First edition thus of Thomas Day’s wildly popular story for children, here in ‘a more reduced form’ as ‘the price of the original work may be incommodious to … young readers’. This was was not the same text as the ‘Abridged’ version first published by Wallis and Newbery (and by Darton in 1800). This edition excludes most of the original work’s numerous educational digressions but largely leaves the plot untouched. The ‘Advertisment’ also notes that readers who would prefer the original three volume edition can also acquire it from the present publishers, who had bought up the remaining stock.

Darton G237 (1).

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