Intorno all’uso del laudano concentrato del cav. Quadri per curare parecchie malattie degli occhi. Memoria di Giuseppe de Nasca di Troina socio corrispondente dell’Academia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali di Catania, ajutante medico del grande Ospedale degl’Incurabili.

Naples, Giovanni Battista Seguim, 1828.

12mo, pp. 21, [3]; small woodcut of Hermes to title; closed marginal tear (without loss) to pp. 5-6, a few light marks, some light foxing; overall very good in contemporary drab wrappers; creased.


US $679€652

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Intorno all’uso del laudano concentrato del cav. Quadri per curare parecchie malattie degli occhi. Memoria di Giuseppe de Nasca di Troina socio corrispondente dell’Academia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali di Catania, ajutante medico del grande Ospedale degl’Incurabili.

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Very rare tract on the use of concentrated laudanum in the treatment of various eye complaints by the Sicilian physician Giuseppe de Nasca (1803–1893).

De Nasca studied at the universities of Catania and Palermo before working at the famous Ospedale degli Incurabili in Naples. This was his first publication, drawing upon the work of the noted ophthalmologist and pioneering eye surgeon Giovanni Battista Quadri (1780–1851), who opened Italy’s first ophthalmic hospital at Naples in 1815 and whose monumental Annotazioni pratiche sulle malattie degli occhi appeared between 1818 and 1830.

Here De Nasca discusses the use of laudanum in treating ophthalmia and conjunctivitis (among children and soldiers for example) and care for the eyes following treatment, as well as instances in which its use is not appropriate. The work ends with a letter from Quadri himself to De Nasca praising his young colleague’s work.

No copies traced in the UK or US. OCLC finds only one copy, at the Bibliothèque de Genève; OPAC SBN records copies in Naples only.

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