Il Cantore ecclesiastico breve, facile, ed essatta notizia del canto fermo per istruzzione de’ religiosi minori conventuali, e beneficio commune di tutti gl’ecclesiastici …

Padua, Stamperia del Seminario (Giovanni Manetti), 1698.

4to, pp. ‘166’ [i.e. 164], [6, index], [2], [2, errata], with an additional woodcut title-page, and a woodcut of the ‘Guidonian hand’ before the errata leaf; typeset musical examples throughout; headline and pagination occasionally shaved, else a good copy in nineteenth-century half red morocco; early eighteenth-century ownership inscription of Giuseppe Maria Baldrati of Ravenna, vicar general and later minister general of the Frati minori conventuali.


US $1543€1481

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Il Cantore ecclesiastico breve, facile, ed essatta notizia del canto fermo per istruzzione de’ religiosi minori conventuali, e beneficio commune di tutti gl’ecclesiastici …

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First edition of an uncommon plainchant manual published for the use of the Minorites (Conventual Franciscans). The two striking woodcuts depict a book of plainchant on a cantor’s lectern, and the famous Guidonian hand, a medieval mnemonic device to assist with sight-singing.

RISM Ecrits, p. 330; Gregory & Bartlett, i, 97.

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