Songs, Duets, and Chorus, in the Prize; or, 2, 5, 3, 8. A Farce, in two Acts. The Music composed by Mr. Storace.

[London,] 1793.

8vo, pp. 11, [1], with a half-title; waterstain to foot of half-title, upper inner corner slightly gnawed, final blank page dusty, but a good copy, uncut, stitched as issued.


US $435€419

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Songs, Duets, and Chorus, in the Prize; or, 2, 5, 3, 8. A Farce, in two Acts. The Music composed by Mr. Storace.

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First edition, scarce, of the libretto to The Prize by Prince Hoare, scored by Stephen Storace.

It premièred at Drury Lane in March 1793 as the afterpiece to Hoare and Storace’s very successful The Pirates. The part of Caroline was played Storace’s famous sister Ann (‘Nancy’) Storace.

ESTC lists six copies: BL, NLS, Bodley (two copies), V&A; and McMaster. Another issue, omitting ‘2, 5, 3, 8’ on the title-page is recorded in three copies.

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