Lampada. Sobranie stikhotvorenii, Kniga pervaia [The icon-lamp. Collected poems. Book one (All published)].

Petrograd, [“Mysl’”], 1922.

Small 8vo, pp. 125; two neat ownership notes on title, very light even age-browning; in the original printed wrappers, spotted, spine repaired.


US $377€359

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Lampada. Sobranie stikhotvorenii, Kniga pervaia [The icon-lamp. Collected poems. Book one (All published)].

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First edition of Ivanov’s last collection of poems before his emigration.

‘Never regularly employed and having made many illwishers through his penchant pour épatage, Ivanov led the last years of his life in semi-starvation, … and died in misery and desperation. Only recently has he begun to be recognized as one of the leading Russian poets of the 20th century’ (Terras).

Kilgour 465; Tarasenkov, p. 155.

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