Mladenchestvo [Infancy].

St Petersburg, “Alkonost”, 1918.

8vo, pp. 57, [1 (blank)], [4 (advertisements)]; a very good copy, uncut in the original printed wrappers, very lightly dust-soiled.


US $787€710

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Mladenchestvo [Infancy].

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First edition. The poet, translator, critic and scholar Vyacheslav Ivanov (1866–1949) was one of the leaders of the Symbolist movement and its principal theorist.

This, his contribution to the new Symbolist genre of autobiographical ‘long poem’ (poema in Russian, a form made popular by Pushkin a hundred years earlier), is comparable to Blok’s Retribution, and The First Encounter by Bely.

Getty 272; Kilgour 473; Tarasenkov, p. 155.

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