[KNIGHT, Charles.]
The Elephant, principally viewed in Relation to Man: A new Edition, revised by the Author.
London, William Clowes & Sons for Charles Knight & Co., 1844.
[bound with:]
MARTIN, William Charles Linnaeus, and William YOUATT. The History of the Horse: Its Origin, physical and moral Characteristics, its principal Varieties, and domestic Allies … with an Appendix on the Diseases of the Horse. London, William Clowes & Sons for Charles Knight & Co., 1845.
12mo, pp. 1: iv, [5]-240, 2: [2], vii-viii, [9]-292; numerous woodcut illustrations in both works; a little toning to first and final leaves; very good copies in recent blue buckram-backed boards with marbled sides, printed paper label to spine, blue-endpapers.
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The Elephant, principally viewed in Relation to Man: A new Edition, revised by the Author.
First editions of treatises on the elephant and the horse, from Charles Knight’s Library of Entertaining Knowledge. The equine text gives accounts of horses and related species in several cultures and climes, and, with The Elephant, forms two works from a series of three, on ‘the three quadrupeds who have been the great instruments furnished by Divine Providence to Man, to enable him to “replenish the earth and subdue it”’ (2, p. vii). The treatise on elephants, attributed to Charles Knight (1791–1873) himself, was first published in 1830 in the first volume, titled Menageries, of the Library of Entertaining Knowledge, a series published by Knight for the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge as a complement to the Library of Useful Knowledge, to which Youatt’s animal treatises belonged.
Not in Dingley.