LIEBIG, Justus von.
Autograph letter to the publishers Heinrich Ludwig Brönner.
Darmstadt, 16 September 1847.
8vo bifolium (217 x 136 mm), pp. [1], 16 lines on light blue paper; sometime folded, remains of paper stub where once tipped into an album, a few very small red ink stains.
Letter from the German chemist Justus von Liebig (1803–1873) to H. L. Brönner, the Frankfurt publishers and booksellers named after their eighteenth-century founder.
Liebig enquires about the status of various copies of his work on meat and asks when he might receive news of them. It is likely that the work in question is Liebig’s 1847 Chemische Untersuchung über das Fleisch; in that year Liebig’s discovery and publication of his method for extracting beef laid the basis for the establishment of his famous meat extracting business.