Espositioni volgare del reveren. M. Luigi Lippomano vescovo di Modone, et coadiutore di Bergamo, sopra il simbolo apostolico cioe il Credo, sopra il Pater nostro, & sopra i dua precetti della charita, nelle quali tre cose consiste cio che si dee dal bon christiano credere, desiderare, & operare in questo mondo … 

Venice, Girolamo Scoto, 1541.

4to, ff. 80, [2], 81-195, [1]; woodcut device to title, initials; a few light marks; very good in contemporary vellum over boards, title inked to spine; some wear to fore-edge of upper board, boards slightly bowed, a few marks; ink inscription at foot of title ‘L’ha dato S.M.R. M. Domenico p[er] il luoco d[e]lle Care.lle’.


US $559€538

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Espositioni volgare del reveren. M. Luigi Lippomano vescovo di Modone, et coadiutore di Bergamo, sopra il simbolo apostolico cioe il Credo, sopra il Pater nostro, & sopra i dua precetti della charita, nelle quali tre cose consiste cio che si dee dal bon christiano credere, desiderare, & operare in questo mondo … 

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First edition of this treatise on the Credo, on the Pater Noster, and on Charity by Luigi Lippomano (1496–1559), dedicated to Pope Paul III and to ‘the venerable converted sisters’ of Rome and Bergamo. 

Lippomano served as bishop of Verona and Bergamo and as nuncio to several popes, as well as playing a prominent role in the Council of Trent.  He was a distinguished author, penning a number of aids for the clergy, not least to defend Catholic doctrine against Protestantism. 

EDIT16 CNCE 31665; USTC 838216.  No copies traced in the UK; OCLC locates five copies in North America. 

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