A volume of twelve piano duets adapted from overtures by Mozart, Rossini, and others by J. F. Burrowes, J. Mazzinghi, Augustus Meves, etc.

London, mostly Birchall & Co., 1810s–1820s.

12 works folio, each with an engraved title-page and engraved music, ownership inscriptions to several title-pages of Mary Keate, Eton, 1823 where dated; bound together in contemporary half blue morocco and marbled boards, front cover label ‘The Misses Keate’, rubbed, spine reinforced with later buckram.


US $434€420

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A volume of twelve piano duets adapted from overtures by Mozart, Rossini, and others by J. F. Burrowes, J. Mazzinghi, Augustus Meves, etc.

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A good collection of late Georgian piano duets, including adaptations from The Magic Flute, Don Giovanni, La Clemenza di Tito, Le Nozze di Figaro, and Il Barbiere di Siviglia, along with a few original compostions by Dussek, Mazzinghi, etc. A full list is available on request.

Mary Keate, who has signed several title-pages, was the daughter of John Keate (1773–1852), who served as Head Master of Eton from 1809 until 1834, a tenure characterised by harsh discipline, which culminated in the so-called ‘great flogging’ of 1832. Mary would go on to marry Edward Coleridge, nephew of the poet, who was assistant master at Eton from 1824.

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