A Warning Piece against the Crime of Murder: or, an Account of many extraordinary and most providential Discoveries of secret Murders. From whence it will appear, that, however secretly they are committed, Providence will interpose, and bring them to Light and Punishment. Collected from several Author, and different Countries, with an Imtent to deter every one from committing that execrable and inhuman Crime.

[London,] Printed for Wiliam Owen … ; and R Goadby, in Sherborne. [1752.]

8vo, pp. [2], ii, v-vi, 280, wanting A3 (in the Preface); title-page torn through and repaired, some spots and stains; in contemporary sheep, front joint cracked, lower cord holding.


US $373€359

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A Warning Piece against the Crime of Murder: or, an Account of many extraordinary and most providential Discoveries of secret Murders. From whence it will appear, that, however secretly they are committed, Providence will interpose, and bring them to Light and Punishment. Collected from several Author, and different Countries, with an Imtent to deter every one from committing that execrable and inhuman Crime.

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First edition, very scarce, a fascinating compendium of grim crimes both real and clearly fictional, many ‘providentially discovered’ in a dream, revealed by returning ghosts, or uncovered ‘after many years concealment’, published in the context of the Murder Act of 1752 which introduced harsher punishments for those convicted.

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