Lives in Book History: Changing Contours of Research over Forty Years.

Leicester, Garendon Press, 2022.

Tall 8vo, pp. 144, with frontispiece and illustrations; hardcover in blue boards, spine lettered in gilt, with printed dustjacket.


US $44€41

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Lives in Book History: Changing Contours of Research over Forty Years.

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‘This volume has grown out of one event in a long series of annual conferences on book-trade history – held to mark the fortieth conference in 2018. For this we had asked nine well-known book historians to give a retrospective review of their field, be it manuscripts, incunabula, book binding, and so on, explaining how they had come into book history, who had been the major influences on them, what the field was like then, what it was like now, and how they would, in the light of the changes they had seen, have done things differently. Everyone mentioned the technological revolution, which had completely changed their way of working and brought a wealth of research material to their desks, greatly amplifying but not substituting for (as they were at pains to point out) research in libraries and archives. Thus these papers are a mix of scholarly assessment and personal reminiscence: likely, we thought, to have a wider readership than just historians of the book.’


Robin Myers, The Book Trade History Conferences: The First Forty Years (1979-2018);

Maureen Bell, From Scandalous Women to Provincial Peruke-Makers: Tracking the Men and Women of the English Book Trade;

Peter W.M. Blayney, But I Digress;

Mirjam Foot, Approaches to the Study of Bookbinding: From E.P. Goldschmidt to Howard Nixon and Beyond;

Antony Griffiths, The Development of Print Studies in the Past Half Century;

Christopher de Hamel, In the Beginning;

Lotte Hellinga, Beginning a Lifetime with Early Printed Books;

David McKitterick, Becoming a Rare Books Librarian – and Something More;

Mark Rose, Copyright and Authorship: From the Printing House to the Courthouse.

With a complete list of Book Trade History Conferences to 2021, their contributors, papers, and publications, and full indexes.

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