NEWTON, Isaac.
Opuscula Mathematica, philosophica et philologica. Collegit partimque Latine vertit ac recensuit Joh. Castillioneus [G.F. Salvemini] jurisconsultus.
Lausanne and Geneva, Bousquet & soc., 1744.
Three vols, 4to, pp. I: [4], xxviii [recte 38], 420, II: [1], vi, 423, III: vi, 566 [recte 562], [1]; 64 folded copper-engraved plates and 2 folded letterpress tables; titles printed in red and black with copper-engraved portrait vignettes, large woodcut initial and ornaments throughout; pp. I 157-88 folded in at the lower margin where imprint exceeds book block; slight foxing to several quires, small light dampstain to outer upper corner of vol. I, otherwise a very attractive, clean set; in contemporary vellum over boards, gilt red morocco lettering-pieces to spines, edges mottled red, green, and yellow; spines a little dusty.
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Opuscula Mathematica, philosophica et philologica. Collegit partimque Latine vertit ac recensuit Joh. Castillioneus [G.F. Salvemini] jurisconsultus.
First edition of Newton’s collected works, a major tool in the dissemination of Newton’s science and a major publication in the history of science. The edition, edited and introduced by the Pisa alumnus Giovanni Salvemini da Castiglione, contains twenty-six works (which, while having appeared previously, were not easily accessible), from Newton’s mathematical works and optical lectures, which were greatly influential and laid the foundations of modern science, to his philological essays on history and theology.
The first volume, mathematical papers, contains De analysi (1711), Methodis fluxionum (1736), De quadratura (1704), Enumeratio curvarum (1704), Methodus differentialis (1711), and excerpts from Newton’s correspondence with John Collins, John Wallis, Henry Oldenburg, and Abbe Conti. The second volume, philosophical papers, includes De mundi systemate (1731), Lectiones opticae (1729), De natura acidorum (1736), Scala graduum caloris (1701), and his papers from the Philosophical transactions on light and colour. The third volume, theological works, includes Chronology of ancient kingdoms amended (1728), Observations upon the prophecies (1733), and Dissertation upon the sacred cubit (1737).
Babson 9 (Gray 2); Wallis 2; DSB X, 93; Poggendorff II, 279; Roller-G. II, 235.