London: Printed for The Religious Tract Society … and sold at their Depository … also by J. Nisbet … and by other Booksellers.

[c. 1827]

12mo, pp. viii, 136, with a half title, a wood-engraved frontispiece by Sears, a title-page vignette and numerous illustrations; a very good copy in the publisher’s original half red straight-grain morocco and marbled boards, spine gilt.


US $217€210

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London: Printed for The Religious Tract Society … and sold at their Depository … also by J. Nisbet … and by other Booksellers.

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First edition. A finely illustrated anthology of religious verse, contemplations, and prayers for children. Pieces include poems on the seasons and stories about a Welsh Shepherd, and ‘The Hill and the Valley’, all with heavily metaphorical content.

The illustrations are particularly fine, and include scenes of a shipwreck, a family being waved off on the coach to London, skaters on a frozen lake, and John Bunyan lying asleep and imagining the Pilgrim’s Progress.

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