T[empleton]. Soldiers Bathing and other Poems.

London, The Fortune Press, [1954].

8vo, pp. 43, [1]; publisher’s dark red cloth, peach dustjacket (with three autograph corrections to typographical errors); very good in a good jacket, short tear at head of spine; bookplate of D.G. Bridson.


US $248€240

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T[empleton]. Soldiers Bathing and other Poems.

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First edition, Prince’s second collection, inscribed ‘with good wishes from the author, F. T. Prince. 23 April, 1954.’

‘The book contained many memorable poems, not least the passionate “The Old Age of Michelangelo”. “Soldiers Bathing” itself, written in 1942, was and remained one of the best-known poems of the Second World War’ (ODNB).

Bridson had arranged the broadcast of three poems by Prince on 12 April 1954. Prince writes here on 13 April ‘to thank you for last night’s most handsomely produced programme of my verse. I was surely very fortunate in my interpreters … A programme of three lay poems such as these must make very considerable demands on listeners, but I think your tactics of presentation could not have been better’.

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