Le piacevoli notti di messer Giovanfrancesco Straparola da Caravaggio.

Venice, Domenico Giglio, 1558.

Two vols, 8vo, ff. 170; 159; italic letter, woodcut device on titles, woodcut initials; some light spotting on title of vol. I, but a good copy in nineteenth-century English panelled calf; from the library of the art collector Edward Cheney (sale 1886), with his monogram in gilt on covers and his armorial bookplate.


US $3420€3292

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Le piacevoli notti di messer Giovanfrancesco Straparola da Caravaggio.

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An early edition of both volumes of Straparola’s Facetious nights, first published in 1550–53.

‘The copyright that Straparola held, and that would remain valid until 8 March 1560, protected his financial rights to a book that proved to be a valuable commodity. Its transfer would have been marked by public record, and somewhere documents may still exist that record the passing of copyright from Straparola, who died before it expired, to Comin da Trino, and in 1558 to Domenico Giglio’ (Bottigheimer, Fairy Godfather, Straparola, Venice, and the Fairy Tale Tradition (2002), p. 120).

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