Obshchestvennoe ekonomicheskie idealyi nashego vremeni

Saint Petersburg, Izdatelstvo ‘Vestniks Znaniya’ V.V. Bitner, 1913 .

Two volumes, 8vo, pp. 64; 65-140, [4], contents, portrait of author; uncut; lightly toned, a little foxing, generally very good in the original printed paper wrappers, decorative panel to upper wrappers, publisher’s advertisements to inside and lower wrappers; fore-edges frayed; contemporary inkstamp of the Estonian Library of T.M. Kivistik to the first title with manuscript shelfmark.


US $1035€1003

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Obshchestvennoe ekonomicheskie idealyi nashego vremeni

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First and only edition of Socio-Economic Ideals in Our Time, seemingly never translated into English.

The work contains chapters on the exploitation of the working classes, centralised, federalised and anarchised socialism, communism, and collectivism, and the transition from capitalism to socialism. In the preface Tugan-Baranovsky acknowledges the existence of many good books about socialism, which are more a study of socialistic movements than of socialism itself. The present work aims to express clearly what is meant by modern socialism as a social science.

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