Substance of two speeches [on the bullion question], made by the Right Hon. N. Vansittart, on the 7th and 13th of May, 1811, in the committee of the whole House of Commons, to which the report of the Bullion Committee was referred. With an appendix containing the resolutions moved by Francis Horner ...
London, J. Hatchard, 1811.
8vo, pp. [iv], 232; half-title, four folding tables at rear; small cut to half-title, some foxing to final folding table; a very good copy in modern marbled boards and red cloth spine, paper title to spine.
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Substance of two speeches [on the bullion question], made by the Right Hon. N. Vansittart, on the 7th and 13th of May, 1811, in the committee of the whole House of Commons, to which the report of the Bullion Committee was referred. With an appendix containing the resolutions moved by Francis Horner ...
First edition of this important contribution by Vansittart (1766-1851) to the so-called Bullionist Controversy, ‘the series of debates about monetary theory and policy which took place in Britain over the years 1797-1821, when the specie convertibility of Bank of England notes was suspended’, the literature of which ‘contains contributions of crucial and lasting importance to monetary theory’ (New Palgrave).
‘On 24 April 1811, in response to the report of the bullion committee and Francis Horner’s call for the resumption of cash payments within two years, Vansittart resumed his active political career by tabling his own anti-bullionist resolutions. He played a leading role in the debates which culminated in defeat of Horner’s proposal on 9 May and thus allowed the Perceval administration to pursue its vigorous prosecution of the war effort’ (ODNB). Vansittart subsequently served as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Goldsmiths’ 20363.