The Western Gentleman’s Farrier, containing Remedies for the different Diseases to which Horses are incident in the Western and South Western States … to which is added an Appendix, containing Receipts for the Cure of many Diseases to which Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs are liable, together with much useful and interesting Information to the Farmer and Horse Grower, selected from the most eminent and erudite Authors.

Troy (OH), John T. Tullis, 1838.

12mo, pp. vi, [2], [9]-171, [1 (blank)], [4], [2 (blank)]; a little foxed, a few creased corners, small marginal tear to a2; a very good copy in contemporary marbled sheep, spine gilt-ruled in compartments, gilt red morocco lettering-piece in one, sewn on 2 sunken cords; corners bumped, short splits to joints.


US $310€300

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The Western Gentleman’s Farrier, containing Remedies for the different Diseases to which Horses are incident in the Western and South Western States … to which is added an Appendix, containing Receipts for the Cure of many Diseases to which Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs are liable, together with much useful and interesting Information to the Farmer and Horse Grower, selected from the most eminent and erudite Authors.

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Second edition of an American work on farriery, with diseases found only in the Western States including ‘big head’ and ‘nasal polypi’. First published in 1832 on the observation that ‘most of the present works on Farriery, or more especially those adapted to our western climate, are of little avail, and serve to lead the community still farther astray in witchcraft and delusion, rather than enlighten and prove useful’, this second edition includes a Recommendation from six ‘owners of stage horses’ keen to convey that ‘the work will not prove like the production of quacks’. Tullis admits in his introduction, however, that ‘the object of the publisher is … to make money’.

Not in Dingley; not in Mellon.

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