The Danish laws: or, the code of Christian the Fifth. Faithfully translated for the use of the English inhabitants of the Danish settlements in America.

London, N. Gibson, 1756.

8vo, pp. viii, 476, [4 (index)]; woodcut headpieces and initials; slightly toned, otherwise very good; nineteenth-century black pebbled roan, spine lettered in gilt, gilt turn-ins and edges, marbled endpapers; spine sunned, joints and extremities rubbed; ticket of Stevens and Haynes ‘law publishers, booksellers & exporters’ of London to front endpaper; stamps (including one marking it as withdrawn) of the Middle Temple Library on front and rear free endpapers, title-page, p. iii, and final page of index.


US $1057€1017

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The Danish laws: or, the code of Christian the Fifth. Faithfully translated for the use of the English inhabitants of the Danish settlements in America.

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First English translation of the parts of Christian V’s Danske Lov of 1683 that were relevant to the inhabitants of the Danish West Indies (the present-day U.S. Virgin Islands, plus the islands of St Thomas, St John, and St Croix).

The publisher explains that much of the original is omitted, including the whole of the second book, which had dealt with canon law, and anything that only applied to the territories of Denmark and Norway. ‘The inserting of them would only have swelled the volume, without any real emolument to the English inhabitants of the Danish Territories in America … The numbers of the articles, for uniformity, are continued in order, tho’ articles are omitted; it might have been better to have followed the numerical order of the original; but as it seldom happens, and the articles omitted will be perhaps scarce ever found of any use in America, the inconvenience cannot be great.’

ESTC T200850 (‘In this issue, p. 106 misnumbered 06; pp. 59, 91 numbered correctly’); Sabin 18501.Sabin 18501.

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The Citizen and Countryman’s experienced Farrier, containing: I. the most and best approved Method of Ordering, Dieting, Exercising, Purging, Scowering, and Cleansing of Horses, also choice Restoratives to cheer the Heart, procure an Appetite, and to clear the Lungs and Pipes, so as to strengthen the Wind, and give large Breath to the Running or Race-Horse; II. a certain sure Method to know the true State of any Horse’s Body, as to his Sickness or Health; III. the true Shape of a Horse explained, with choice Directions for Burying; IV. an experienced and approved Method for Raising of Horses, as to Ordering, Keeping, & c., also Mares, Colts, and Stallions; V. a sure and certain Rule to know the Age of any Horse, from one Year to ten, with good Observations as he further advances in Years; VI. the best and experienced Way of Keeping the common Hackney, or Hunting Horse, so as to keep him lively, cheerful, free from Colds, Strains, Windgalls, and gross Humours; VII. an approved Method of Purging, Bleeding, and Feeding Cattle, with choice approved Recipts for the Diseases they are incident to, with Signs to know the Disease, and Directions for the Use of Medicines; to all which is added a valuable and fine Collection of the surest and best Receipts in the known World, for the Cure of all Maladies and Distempers that are incident to Horses, of what Kind soever, with Directions to know what is the Ailment, or Disease.

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