Lectures on Diet and Regimen: being a systematic Inquiry into the most rational Means of preserving Health and prolonging Life: together with physiological and chemical Explanations, calculated chiefly for the Use of Families, in order to banish the prevailing Abuses and Prejudices in medicine. The second Edition, improved and enlarged with considerable Additions …

London: Printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees … 1799.

8vo., pp. [2], 708, [4, adverts], wanting the half-title; a very good copy in contemporary tree calf, spine ruled gilt, red morocco label; Fasque library bookplate of John Gladstone, father of the Prime Minister.


US $471€449

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Lectures on Diet and Regimen: being a systematic Inquiry into the most rational Means of preserving Health and prolonging Life: together with physiological and chemical Explanations, calculated chiefly for the Use of Families, in order to banish the prevailing Abuses and Prejudices in medicine. The second Edition, improved and enlarged with considerable Additions …

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Second edition, much revised and expanded, printed in the same year as the first: ‘Many important and useful articles have been added, especially in the fifth Chapter, “Of Food and Drink.”’ Willich’s very popular manual was based on a series of lecture given by the eminent physician at Bath in 1798, and includes material on the state of modern medicine, the air, baths, clothing, exercise, sleep, excretion, sexual intercourse, the mind and the eyes, as well as a long chapter on food and drink (pp. 291-439), with descriptions of the nature and properties of various comestibles. A postscript explains that this work dealing with the preservation of the healthy body is to be followed by one on the treatment of the diseased body, and includes a list of questions to ask a patient to aid in diagnosis.

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[MACKENZIE, Lieutenant-Colonel George, and others, defendants.]

The Trial, before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, at the Instance of Daniel Ross, Woodsawer in Aberdeen; against Lieutenant-Colonel George Mackenzie, Captain Felix Bryan Macdonough, Serjeants Andrew Mackay & Alex. Sutherland, all of the late Regiment of Ross & Cromarty Rangers: for the Murder of John Ross, late Soldier in the Corps of Riflemen, in the Streets of Aberdeen, on Fourth of June, 1802.

Sole edition. This controversial trial was brought as a private prosecution after the Lord Advocate, Charles Hope, had decided not to prosecute any officers or soldiers for killing four peaceable inhabitants of Aberdeen after celebrations of the King’s birthday on 4 June 1802 had got out of control. Men and boys in Castle Street in high spirits were pelting each other with dirt, straw, and garbage, when Mackenzie and Mcdonough, who had been drinking with the magistrates and were rather intoxicated, walked back to their barracks and were pelted too. Soldiers from the Ross & Cromarty Rangers then joined in, apparently without orders. While soldiers and citizens jostled up and down Castle Street, Mcdonough attempted to calm the situation. Presently he ordered the soldiers to prime and load to intimidate the crowd, but then ordered them to withdraw to their barracks. Mackenzie meanwhile stayed in his quarters. Later the soldiers came out again, and on three occasions deliberately took aim and fired on the populace, although it was not clear whether any command to fire had been given. A serjeant was at the head of the group that shot John Ross, but he was not positively identified as one of the defendants.

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