Babettes Gaestebud [Babette’s Feast].

Copenhagen, Forlaget Fremad, [1952].

8vo, pp. 63; some pages opened a little roughly, but an excellent, very fresh copy, uncut in the original illustrated wrappers; in a folding cloth box.


US $1246€1124

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Babettes Gaestebud [Babette’s Feast].

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First edition in book form of Babette’s Feast by Danish author Karen Blixen (1885–1962), author of Out of Africa.

It had previously been published in English in the Ladies Home Journal in 1950, and was translated by the author into her native Danish for the present edition. In 1987 the Danish film director Gabriel Axel directed an Oscar-winning film based on the story which brought worldwide recognition. More recently (2002) the composer John Browne was commissioned by Covent Garden to turn it into an ‘opera for young people’.

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