Le parfait bouvier, ou instruction concernant la connoissance des boeufs & vaches, leur âge, maladies & symptômes, avec les remedes les plus expérimentés, propres à les guérir; on y a joint deux petits traités pour les moutons & porcs, ainsi que plusieurs remedes pour les chevaux aussi expérimentés, & qui n’ont point encore paru; le tout le plus abrégé qu’il a été possible.

Rouen, the widow Besongne and J.J. Besongne the younger, [1766?].

12mo, pp. [2], iv, [2], 172; woodcut ornaments; title dust-stained with repairs to fore-edge, damp-stain throughout; uncut, contemporary stitching in recent paper wrappers; a few leaves a little loose.


US $279€269

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Le parfait bouvier, ou instruction concernant la connoissance des boeufs & vaches, leur âge, maladies & symptômes, avec les remedes les plus expérimentés, propres à les guérir; on y a joint deux petits traités pour les moutons & porcs, ainsi que plusieurs remedes pour les chevaux aussi expérimentés, & qui n’ont point encore paru; le tout le plus abrégé qu’il a été possible.

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Early (first?) edition of one of the most successful French veterinary guides. With the majority of early veterinary literature focused on the most highly prized animal, the horse, the present text is one of the few to address primarily the care of bovines, with sections also on pigs, sheep, and the horse.

The first edition of 1766 appears in two distinct settings, the more common (as recorded by Mennessier and Dingley) with the Dissertation sur la morve paginated separately, the other (as here) continuously. The present copy appears to be an issue of the second setting, unaltered except for the undated title. A copy in this state is held by the British Library (tentatively dated 1765, the date on the imprimatur). We could not trace any copies (of either setting) at auction.

Cf. Mennessier I, pp. 165-166; cf. Dingley 88.

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