CICERO, Marcus Tullius.
De Officiis … libri tres. Item, de amicitia: de senectute: paradoxa: & de somnio Scipionis. Cum indice in fine libri adjuncto. Omnia, variis atque optimis quibusque collatis exemplaribus diligentissimè castigata.
London, [Felix Kingston for] the Stationers’ Company, 1631.
8vo, pp. 247, [1], [24 (index)]; woodcut device to title-page; title dusty, corners thumbed, but a good copy in contemporary limp vellum, ties wanting, covers stained; juvenile ownership inscription of John Sibbald, dated ‘Edinghburgh’ 18 February 1705.
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De Officiis … libri tres. Item, de amicitia: de senectute: paradoxa: & de somnio Scipionis. Cum indice in fine libri adjuncto. Omnia, variis atque optimis quibusque collatis exemplaribus diligentissimè castigata.
London edition of the ‘greatest hits’ of Cicero for the early seventeenth century: De Officiis, ‘Laelius on friendship’, ‘Cato Major on old age’, the Stoic Paradoxes, and the Dream of Scipio from De Republica, with the notes of Erasmus, who was famously an admirer of Cicero but not of modern Ciceronianism. John Kingston had printed a very rare edition (the first British edition in Latin only) in 1573, and another with the notes of Erasmus and Melanchthon in 1574. His son Felix later inherited the copyright, which then passed to the Stationers’ Company in around 1600, though he continued to print editions up to 1638.
ESTC S124800; STC 5271.4.