Claudii Claudiani Alexandrini, poetae illustriss. quotquot nostra hac tempestate extant opsucula, ad series subsequentem. De raptu Prosperpinae. Lib. III. In Ruffinum. Lib. II. De bello Gildonico. Lib. I [&c.] …

Paris, Simon de Colines, 1530.

8vo, ff. 176, 179–185 (complete); spaces with guide letters for capitals; short, largely marginal wormholes at front and rear, else a good copy in nineteenth-century tree calf, rebacked; armorial bookplate of Sir Alexander Robert Loftus Tottenham; booklabel of Richard and Magdalen Goffin.


US $1050€1019

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Claudii Claudiani Alexandrini, poetae illustriss. quotquot nostra hac tempestate extant opsucula, ad series subsequentem. De raptu Prosperpinae. Lib. III. In Ruffinum. Lib. II. De bello Gildonico. Lib. I [&c.] …

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First Colines edition of the major works of Claudianus Claudius, known in the English-speaking world as Claudian, a Greek-speaking Latin poet best known for the unfinished epic De Raptu Proserpinae. It is printed in the same attractive italic type Colines used for his octavo editions of Horace, Juvenal, Lucan, Persius, and Martial, and seems to have been edited by Colines himself: ‘summa cura & vigilantia a nobis expolitum … non sine veterum codicum collatione, qui plurimum ad emendationem iuverunt’.

Provenance: 1. Sir Alexander Robert Loftus Tottenham (1873–1946), of the Indian Civil Service, Diwan of Pudukkottai from 1934 until his death. 2. Richard Goffin, director of book promotion at the British Council, gift inscription to his wife, the author Magdalen Goffin.

Adams C 2079; USTC 181267; Renouard, Colines 151.

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