[DEFOE, Daniel].
A Letter to the Dissenters.
London: Printed for John Morphew … 1713.
8vo, pp. 48; first and last pages a little dusty, trimmed slightly close at the top but in general a very good copy, disbound.
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A Letter to the Dissenters.
First edition, the state with p. 48 numbered correctly. This tract is an admonition to Defoe’s fellow Dissenters, ‘saying that they enjoy great privileges at present, the Queen having undertaken to maintain the Toleration Act and even having for long resisted the Act against Occasional Conformity. The Dissenters have their own schools, which, strictly speaking, is against the law. Thus it would be madness on their part to join with the discontented Whigs – especially as they have recently been betrayed by the Whigs’ (Furbank and Owens).
Furbank and Owens 158; Moore 269; Rothschild 760.