FIAMMA, Gabriele.
Prediche del reverendo don Gabriel Fiamma, canonico regolare lateranense; fatte in vari tempi, in vari luoghi, & intorno a vari soggetti: nelle quali si contengono ricordi … per far profitto nella vita spirituale, & per fuggir gli errori di questi tempi: novamente ristampate …
Venice, Francesco Senese, 1570.
8vo, pp. [16], 615, [33 (index)]; woodcut device to title, initials; worm track to blank lower corners of pp. 181-216 and of final two quires, quire Ii bound in wrong order; overall good; recased in near contemporary limp vellum; some staining and creasing, endpapers renewed.
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Prediche del reverendo don Gabriel Fiamma, canonico regolare lateranense; fatte in vari tempi, in vari luoghi, & intorno a vari soggetti: nelle quali si contengono ricordi … per far profitto nella vita spirituale, & per fuggir gli errori di questi tempi: novamente ristampate …
Scarce third edition of this collection of twelve sermons by the Augustinian canon and bishop of Chioggia, Gabriele Fiamma (1533–1585).
Fiamma’s sermons – delivered in Ravenna, Venice, Naples, Treviso, Padua, Florence, Genoa, and Mantua – cover sin, Christian justice, fear of God, the rewards of heaven and glory of the saints, the greatness and authority of Saint Peter, the incarnation, the Holy Spirit and its gifts, knowledge of God, love for one’s enemies, and Christ and John the Baptist. The first edition was issued in Venice by Senese in quarto format in 1566, and a second edition in octavo was printed at Naples by Giuseppe Cacchi in 1568.
EDIT16 CNCE 18907; USTC 829389. No copies traced in the US; Library Hub records two copies in the UK (BL, Trinity College Dublin).