Narrative of his Voyage in the Schooner Francis: 1798. Preceded and followed by Notes … by Geoffrey Rawson with engravings by John Buckland Wright.

[London,] The Golden Cockerel Press, 1946.

Folio, pp. 100, [2], with an engraved frontispiece, title-page vignette, 6 illustrations and a tailpiece by Buckland Wright, all printed in dark green, as are the initials; printed on grey paper; a fine copy in the publisher’s green cloth, gilt.


US $806€780

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Narrative of his Voyage in the Schooner Francis: 1798. Preceded and followed by Notes … by Geoffrey Rawson with engravings by John Buckland Wright.

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No. 327 of 750 copies, of which the first 100 were specially bound in full green morocco.

This was the first publication of the manuscript of Flinders’s account of his 1798 voyage in the Francis that led to his exploration of Bass Strait, and to the discovery of the Illawarra coal seams by Bass.

Franklin, p. 228.

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