Planches relatives a l’instruction concernant l’exercice et les manoeuvres des troupes a cheval.

Paris, Magimel, ‘An X’ [1801].

12mo, pp. [4], pls I-LVI, LVI[*], LVI bis, LVII-C, C bis, CI-CLII; in all 151 copper-engraved plates (nos I-III, IV-V, and VI-VII printed together), of which 36 folding; title lightly dust-stained, very short marginal tears to letterpress leaves; a very good copy in mid nineteenth-century half calf with non-pareil marbled sides, spine gilt in compartments with gilt green morocco lettering-piece in one; a little rubbed and bumped, lightly dust-stained, lower board rejointed in paper; bookplate of the United Service Club to upper pastedown.


US $342€329

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Planches relatives a l’instruction concernant l’exercice et les manoeuvres des troupes a cheval.

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Second edition, expanded, of a set of French Revolutionary plates for the instruction of the cavalry. Comprising over one hundred and fifty copper-engraved plates showing cavalry horses, equipment, and manoeuvres, the present work follows a smaller publication by Magimel of the same title, issued in ‘An septième’ (1798-9).

From the library of the United Service Club, the foremost military club in London founded in 1815 and disbanded in 1978.

Not in Mennessier de la Lance.

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