Philosophia transnaturalis, sive metaphysica, centum assertionibus comprehensa, et publicae disputationi in celeberrimo & antiquissimo collegio Can. Reg. S. Augustini Congredat. Lateran. ad Beatiss. Virg. Mariam in Rottenbuech. Praeside R.P. Mansueto Koch ... Proposita … F. Primo Schlechten; F. Petro Abertshauser; F. Paulo Steyrer, F. Augustino Sartorio ...

Augsburg, Maria Magdalena Utzschneiderin, 1697.

8vo, pp. [xii], 273-403, [1] blank (matching other known copies); woodcut headpieces; small wormtrace to gutter, with no loss of text, but otherwise clean and crisp throughout, with the odd contemporary manuscript correction in ink; in contemporary patterned boards; spine largely lacking, wear and dustsoiling to extremities.


US $279€270

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Philosophia transnaturalis, sive metaphysica, centum assertionibus comprehensa, et publicae disputationi in celeberrimo & antiquissimo collegio Can. Reg. S. Augustini Congredat. Lateran. ad Beatiss. Virg. Mariam in Rottenbuech. Praeside R.P. Mansueto Koch ... Proposita … F. Primo Schlechten; F. Petro Abertshauser; F. Paulo Steyrer, F. Augustino Sartorio ...

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Only edition (complete despite the pagination) of this dissertation defended at the Augustinian college in Rottenbuch, attempting to provide a survey of metaphysics in one hundred paragraphs. The work explains, among other matters, the scope and purpose of metaphysics, the basis of Aristotelian metaphysics, the divine attributes, the difference between possible and actual entities, the nature of causation, the rational soul, and the properties and philosophical usefulness of angels; as might be expected, the approach is thoroughly scholastic.

OCLC records copies at Tübingen, Stuttgart, and Augsburg only.

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