Ordo admittendi virgines ad monasterii ingressum habitumque regularem suscipiendi ritus item servandus ad professionis emissionem ad provinciae Mediolanensis usum.

Milan, Tamburini and Valdoni, 1843.

Large 8vo, pp. 68, [1 (errata)], [1 (blank)]; small woodcut to title, title and text printed in red and black, woodcut initials, printed music on pp. 18, 46, and 49-50; a very good copy in contemporary embossed green cloth-backed boards with tree-patterned paper sides.


US $248€240

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Ordo admittendi virgines ad monasterii ingressum habitumque regularem suscipiendi ritus item servandus ad professionis emissionem ad provinciae Mediolanensis usum.

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Scarce edition of this set of rites for the admission of women to convents in the province of Milan, covering their investiture, tonsure, and vows, with instructions printed in red, texts to be spoken and sung in black, and with printed music for hymns and blessings. The first edition appears to have been issued in 1607.

Not on OCLC; ICCU finds only two copies in Italy.

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