Pharmacopoea Genevensis ad usum nosocomiorum. Auctoribus Daniele de la Roche, Ludovico Odier, Carolo-Gulielmo Dunant.
Geneva, J.P. Bonnant, 1780.
8vo, pp. xii, 199, [17 (index rerum)], [1 (errata)], [1 (blank)]; some light marginal browning throughout, but otherwise clean and fresh; in contemporary sheep-backed boards, spine gilt with skiver lettering-piece; front board somewhat rubbed, upper joint cracked but still holding.
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Pharmacopoea Genevensis ad usum nosocomiorum. Auctoribus Daniele de la Roche, Ludovico Odier, Carolo-Gulielmo Dunant.
A good copy of the first codified Geneva pharmacopoeia for use in the hospitals of the city, compiled by three Genevan physicians who had trained at Edinburgh, including Louis Odier (1748–1817), was to go on to be one of the leading proponents of vaccination in Continental Europe, as well as the translator into French of many of Jenner’s works. As usual, the pharmacopoeia is divided into two parts, the first listing the materia medica, and the second the preparations, which are in turn divided into ten chapters according to the method of preparation: these include those using sugar and honey, those made by distillation and evaporation, the use of salts and minerals, and the production of powders, pills, unguents, and more. The work is informed by those produced for the hospitals of other cities, notably Paris and Stuttgart, and the practice of London and Edinburgh.
Blake p. 348; Wellcome IV, p. 361. Outside Continental Europe, OCLC records copies at NYAM, Harvard (Countway), NLM, Lloyd Library, Wisconsin, and the Wellcome.