The Dunciad. With Notes variorum, and the Prologomena of Scriblerus. The second Edition, with some Additional Notes.

London: Printed for Lawton Gilliver … 1729.

8vo, pp. 24, [2], 19-232, 6, [2 (additional errata)], with the engraved ‘ass’ frontispiece; D3, E2 and P3 are cancels, the blank 2A4 discarded as usual; faint dampstain at the beginning, but a very good copy in contemporary Cambridge-panelled calf, spine gilt in compartments with gilt red morocco lettering-piece.


US $566€539

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The Dunciad. With Notes variorum, and the Prologomena of Scriblerus. The second Edition, with some Additional Notes.

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‘Second’ octavo edition, revised. This is Griffith’s variant d, with an extra unpaginated leaf of terminal errata (printed on the same half-sheet as the cancel P3).

Pope wrote to Swift about this important edition on 28 November 1729: ‘The second (as it is called, but indeed the eighth) edition of the Dunciad, with some additional notes and epigrams, shall be sent to you if I know any opportunity; if they reprint it with you [i.e. in Dublin], let them by all means follow that octavo edition’.

Griffith 227; Foxon P 781.

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