TOLSTOY, Count Aleksei Konstantinovich.
Kniaz’ Serebrianyi. Povest’ vremen Ioanna Groznago. S predisloviem kn. D. N. Tserteleva. S portretom avtora i 12 risunkami khudozhnika K. V. Lebedeva gravirovannymi na meli A. Laloz [Prince Serebryany. A tale of the time of Ivan the Terrible. With an introduction by Prince D. N. Tsertelev. With a portrait of the author and 12 drawings by the artist K. V. Lebedev engraved on copper by A. Lalauze].
Moscow, V. G. Got’e [Gautier], 1892.
Large 8vo, pp. xii, 392, [4], with an engraved frontispiece and 12 full-page engraved plates; a very good copy, entirely unopened, in the original stiff paper wrappers, printed paper dust-jacket, spine restored.
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Kniaz’ Serebrianyi. Povest’ vremen Ioanna Groznago. S predisloviem kn. D. N. Tserteleva. S portretom avtora i 12 risunkami khudozhnika K. V. Lebedeva gravirovannymi na meli A. Laloz [Prince Serebryany. A tale of the time of Ivan the Terrible. With an introduction by Prince D. N. Tsertelev. With a portrait of the author and 12 drawings by the artist K. V. Lebedev engraved on copper by A. Lalauze].
First edition thus, printed on papier vélin and signed by the publisher, one of a number of bibliophile editions of Russian classics brought out by Gautier in the 1890s. Copies were also printed on japon.
In 1861 Aleksei Tolstoy retired to devote himself to a literary career, and published this, his only novel, the following year. Following Prince Nikita Romanovich Serebriannyi (his name means ‘silver’), the work received an English translation in 1874 by Princess Galitzin (Prince Serebrenni).
Fekula 5310 (this copy). OCLC shows five copies: Bowdoin, Columbia, New York Public Library, Oklahoma, and Stanford.