TUGAN-BARANOVSKII, Mikhail Ivanovich.
Teoreticheskiia osnovyi Marksizma.
St Petersburg, I. N. Skorokhodov, 1905.
8vo, pp. viii, 160; leaves crudely strengthened in the gutter, some spotting and staining, heavier at the beginning and end of the volume, a few leaves with closed tears repaired (without loss), withal a good copy in later cloth boards, title lettered to spine, ownership stamp to head of title.
First Russian edition of Theoretical Foundations of Marxism; a German edition, Theoretische Grundlagen der Marxismus, was published in the same year.
In the present work Tugan-Baranovsky shows the influence of the revisionism present throughout the socialist movement at the turn of the century. He approaches Marxism from an anti-consumptionist, revisionist legal-Marxist perspective, declaring Marx’s theories to be ‘partially correct’. In three sections, the text looks at the founding ideas of a material understanding of history and its psychological impact, husbandry and general life, class war, and value and cost.
See The New Palgrave 4, pp. 705-6.