
Contact Andrea Mazzocchi

Science at Quaritch is broadly defined, ranging from medicine, anatomy, pharmacology (including herbals) and natural history to astronomy, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

An interest in the origins of modern chemistry has led to a specialisation in works on alchemy and distillation, and from there we have also branched out into occultism and hermeticism. We have developed an interest in gastronomy and books on nutrition and wine, an area which over the years has become one of our specialities.
  1. ALEXIS OF PIEDMONT (i.e. Girolamo RUSCELLI?).

    The Secretes of the reverende Maister Alexis...

    London, Henry Bynneman, for John Wight, 1568.

    The Secrets of Alexis of Piedmont in...


  2. ANSELMI, Giorgio, the younger

    Georgii Anselmi nepotis Epigrammaton libri...

    Venice, Maffeo Pasini, September 1528. 

    The definitive edition of the epigrams...


  3. APULEIUS, Lucius. 

    L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, sive lusus...

    Venice, ‘in aedibus Aldi et Andreae...

    First Aldine edition of the works of...


  4. BERRYAT, Jean, et al., editors.

    Receuil de Mémoires, ou Collection de...

    Dijon, Auxerre, Paris and Liège, F. Desventes,...

    The scarce first collected edition of these...


  5. BLANCHON, Jacques.

    Iacobi Blanchoni ucessiensis adversus Ludovicum...

    Lyon, Jean de Tournes, 1550.

    First edition of a very rare work of...


  6. GASPARIN, Agénor Étienne, Comte de.

    Des tables tournantes du surnaturel en...

    Paris, Bonaventure and Ducessois for E....

    Scarce first edition of Gasparin’s...


  7. [GRICK, Friedrich.] 

    Fortalitium scientiae, das ist: die unfehlbare,...

    [Nuremberg,] 1617. 

    First edition of this provocative tract...


  8. [KRÜDENER, Barbara Juliane de Vietinghoff, Baronne de.]

    Valérie, ou Lettres de Gustave de Linar...

    Paris, Henrichs, 1804.

    Rare first edition of Valérie, the...


  9. LIEBIG, Justus von.

    Autograph letter to the publishers Heinrich...

    Darmstadt, 16 September 1847.

    Letter from the German chemist Justus...


  10. LISTER, Joseph.

    Three autograph letters, signed, to Sir...

    London, 12 Park Crescent, Portland Place,...

    Three letters by the great surgeon Joseph...


  11. LOCATELLI, Lodovico. 

    Theatro d’Arcani … nel quale si tratta...

    Milan, Gio. Pietro Ramellati, 1644. 

    First edition of Locatelli’s alchemical...


  12. MILL, John Stuart, and Edward Livingston YOUMANS.

    Новѣйшее образованiе:...

    St Petersburg, Izdanie “Russkoi knizhnoi...

    First edition in Russian of these two...


  13. PASTEUR, Louis. 

    Études sur la bière, ses maladies, causes...

    Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1876.

    First edition.  In his Études...


  14. PASTEUR, Louis.

    Visiting card with autograph note.

    [No place, undated.]

    With the autograph note ‘Avec ses remerciments...


  15. REFELL, A. 

    Trugbilder: Eine Anleitung Erscheinungen,...

    Stuttgart, Rieger, 1865. 

    First German edition, rare, of this...


  16. STANYHURST, William. 

    Veteris hominis per expensa quatuor novissima...

    Antwerp, Cornelius Woons, 1661. 

    First edition, rare, of this work on...


  17. STIRLING, A.M.W.

    Ghosts vivisected. An impartial inquiry...

    London, Robert Hale, 1957.

    First edition, a very readable account...


  18. [WALL, Thomas].

    A Second Christian Warning-Piece; wherein...

    London, 1681-2.

    First edition, very rare, of a vehement...
