
Contact Jonathan Harrison, Alex Day, Andrea Mazzocchi or Katherine Thorn

We stock Western books in European languages, generally – but not exclusively – published before circa 1850. We are especially interested in early travel accounts – from the late fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries – in all areas beyond Europe.

Geographical regions in which we have tended to specialise include the Pacific and its surrounding countries – South America, the Northwest Coast of America, Japan, China, the maritime regions of Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia, and Australia. Books on Africa, the polar regions, manuscripts and separately published maps are also handled.
  1. JEPSON, Edgar.

    The Keepers of the People.

    London, C. Arthur Pearson Limited, 1898.

    First edition of an idiosyncratic fantasy novel which, in unabashed reactionary tones, expresses unease at modernity and particularly at the emancipation of women, to the point of spurning religious morality in order to endorse male-dominated polygamy.



    Racing in America, 1922-1936, written for the Jockey Club.

    New York, Scribner Press for the Jockey Club, 1937.

    First edition of the first volume to be written by Hervey, bringing the history begun by W.S. Vosburgh up to the time of publication. ‘In the previous volume [Racing in America, 1866-1921] the theme was exclusively racing, and breeding was only incidentally interwoven throughout the narrative....



    Racing in America, 1665-1865 … written for the Jockey Club.

    New York, Scribner Press for the Jockey Club, 1944.

    First edition, limited, numbered 323 of 800 copies. The first volume of the Jockey Club’s monumental history of racing in America, covering earliest period of American racing, from the foundation of the first track on Long Island until the end of the Civil War, some two centuries later.


  4. [JOCKEY CLUB.] KELLEY, Robert F.

    Racing in America, 1937-1959, written for the Jockey Club.

    New York, North River Press for the Jockey Club, 1960.

    First edition, limited, numbered 474 of 1000 copies. A continuation of the chronicles of American racing, the present volume is the first to adopt the form of annals. ‘This addition to The Jockey Club’s volumes of Racing in America is different in format than any of its predecessors....


  5. [JOHNSON, Samuel].


    London: J. Bretell for Hector McLean, 1819.

    Third Smirke edition, ordinary-paper issue. ‘All travel has its advantages,’ the lexicographer, essayist and critic Samuel Johnson (1709-84) wrote in his Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. ‘If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own, and if fortune...


  6. KAEMPFER, Engelbert, and John Gaspar SCHEUCHZER (translator).

    The History of Japan, giving an Account of the ancient and...

    London, for the translator, 1727.

    First edition, first issue, of the German naturalist Engelbert Kaempfer’s monumental History of Japan, translated by the Swiss naturalist Johann Caspar Scheuchzer and illustrated with splendid plates.


  7. KEATE, George. 

    An Account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean: composed from the journals...

    Dublin, Luke White, 1788. 

    First Dublin edition of this popular work, first published in London earlier the same year, by the virtuoso George Keate, member of the Royal Society and Society of Antiquities (1729−1797). 



    HANBURY, William. Manuscript ledger book of documents relating to the Kelmarsh estate.

    Northamptonshire, c. 1762.

    A detailed account of the workings of Kelmarsh Hall and related properties, one of Northamptonshire’s foremost estates. The majority of the work consists of transcriptions of earlier documents, collated against the originals by William Hanbury himself in 1762, including documents thought to date from...


  9. KERKHERDERE, Jan Gerard.

    De situ Paradisi Terrestris ... Praecedit... conatus novus de Cepha reprehenso ex Galatarum secundo capite.

    Leuven, Martin van Overbeke, 1729.

    First edition. Kerkherdere addresses the question of the location of the Garden of Eden, the earthly Paradise, accompanying his conjecture with a map engraved by P.E. Boultats of Antwerp; the perusal of various sources, geographical studies and toponymic considerations lead the author, an Imperial...


  10. [KERNER, Johann Georg.]

    Reise über den Sund.

    Tübingen, in der J.G. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung, 1803.

    Rare first edition of this historical, political and economic analysis of Sweden, in epistolary form, complete with a folding table detailing land tax revenues by region.



    Ruoli de’ generali ed uffiziali attivi e sedentanei del reale esercito e dell’armata di mare...

    Napoli, Reale Tipografia Militare, 1855.

    Scarce 1855 edition of this roster of army and navy officers, doctors, chaplains, and administrators in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, issued during the reign of Ferdinand II and only a few years before the kingdom’s demise, handsomely bound with the royal arms on each board.


  12. KING, Samuel William.

    The Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps: a Tour through all the Romantic and Less-Frequented ‘Vals’ of...

    London: W. Clowes and Sons for John Murray, 1858.

    First edition. The traveller and scientist King (1821-1868), who was a member of the Alpine Club, made this expedition through the Alps with his wife, and explains in his opening chapter that, ‘Our project was, after crossing the Alps, to explore and traverse, from head to foot, all the remote...


  13. KIRCHER, Athanasius.

    China monumentis, qua sacris qua profanis, nec non variis naturae et artis spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium...

    Amsterdam, Jacob van Meurs, 1667.

    The Amsterdam reprint by Jacob van Meurs of this landmark work on China by the German Jesuit polymath Kircher (1602–1680), first published by Van Waesberge and Weyerstraet earlier in 1667. Van Meurs’s edition is in a smaller format and some of the illustrations are engraved in reverse, but comparison...



    [Title in Russian:] Krasnoiarsk.

    [Vienna, 1968.]

    Facsimile of a pamphlet printed by Siberian prisoners of war in 1919 in the camp at Krasnoyarsk. Although the title is in Cyrillic, the text is in German.



    Januarius.  Februarius.  Merz.  April … 

    Nuremberg, Joh. Andreae Endterische Handlung, [second half of eighteenth century]. 

    A scarce popular print depicting the labours of the months and signs of the zodiac, four continents, the four classical elements, and the four seasons. 


  16. LAET, Joannes de, editor.

    De imperio Magni Mogolis sive India vera commentarius e variis auctoribus congestus …

    Leiden, ‘ex officina Elzeviriana’, 1631.

    Pocket-sized Elzevir edition (one of two issued in the same year) of this work on India and the Mughal Empire compiled by the Dutch geographer Joannes de Laet (1581–1649), this copy, exceptionally, in its original drab boards.


  17. LANCINA, Juan Alfonso Rodríguez de.

    Historia de las reboluciones del Senado de Messina, que ofrece al sacro, Catolico, real nombre...

    Madrid, Por Julian de Paredes, impressor de libros, en la Plaçuela del Angel, 1692.

    First and only edition of this rare account of the anti-Spanish revolt of Messina, in Sicily, which broke out in 1674 and lasted until 1678, by Juan Alfonso Rodríguez de Lancina (c. 1649–1703). Lancina, a judge of the Grand Court of the Vicaria, the highest criminal court of the Kingdom of...


  18. LATHAM, Simon.

    Latham’s Falconry: or, the Faulcons Lure, and Cure: in two Books. The first, concerning the ordering and training...

    London: Printed by Thomas Harper, for John Harison. 1633.

    First collected edition (third edition of volume I, originally published in 1614 and reissued in 1615, second edition of volume II, originally published in 1618).


  19. LAWRENCE, Richard.

    The complete Farrier and British Sportsman, containing a systematic Enquiry into the Structure and animal Economy...

    London, W. Clowes for Thomas Kelly, [c. 1816].

    Likely first edition, dedicated ‘to the noblemen and gentlemen of the Quorn Hunt’. Much unlike his earlier scholarly work on veterinary science, Lawrence’s Complete Farrier and British Sportsman is written for gentlemen and noblemen with an interest not in farriery but in fox-hunting,...


  20. LAWRENCE, Richard.

    The complete Farrier and British Sportsman, containing a systematic Enquiry into the Structure and animal Economy...

    London, W. Clowes for Thomas Kelly, [c. 1823].

    A sporting compendium, dedicated ‘to the noblemen and gentlemen of the Quorn Hunt’. Much unlike his earlier scholarly work on veterinary science, Lawrence’s Complete Farrier and British Sportsman is written for gentlemen and noblemen with an interest not in farriery but in fox-hunting,...
