
Contact Andrea Mazzocchi

Science at Quaritch is broadly defined, ranging from medicine, anatomy, pharmacology (including herbals) and natural history to astronomy, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

An interest in the origins of modern chemistry has led to a specialisation in works on alchemy and distillation, and from there we have also branched out into occultism and hermeticism. We have developed an interest in gastronomy and books on nutrition and wine, an area which over the years has become one of our specialities.
  1. ADAMS, John Couch.

    The scientific Papers … edited by William...

    Cambridge, University Press, 1896 [– 1900].

    First edition of the posthumously published...


  2. ALLEN, John.

    Principles of modern Riding for Gentlemen,...

    London, C. & C. Whittingham for Thomas...

    First and only edition of an uncommon...


  3. [ANATOMY.]

    ‘Breve compendio anatomico’.

    [Italy, c. 1720.]

    A handsome set of apparently unpublished...


  4. ANDREWS, Mark E.

    The Science and Engineering of Water: An...

    Toronto, A.E. Publications, 2022.

    A lavishly illustrated catalogue, tracing...


  5. ANDREWS, Mark E.

    The Science and Engineering of Materials:...

    Toronto, AE Publications, 2023.

    An extraordinary survey of four centuries...


  6. [ANON.]

    The Gentleman’s compleat Jockey, with...

    London, Peter Parker, 1711.

    Fifth edition, very scarce, of an anonymous...


  7. [ANON].

    Elogio del corno. Dell‘ autore della...

    Venice, Stamperia Graziosi, 1796.

    Only edition, as far as we can tell unrecorded,...


  8. ANSELMI, Giorgio, the younger

    Georgii Anselmi nepotis Epigrammaton libri...

    Venice, Maffeo Pasini, September 1528. 

    The definitive edition of the epigrams...


  9. [APPERLEY, Charles James.] ‘NIMROD’, and Henry ALKEN (illustrator).

    The Chace, the Turf, and the Road.

    London, A. Spottiswoode for John Murray, 1837.

    First edition of a series of articles...


  10. APULEIUS, Lucius. 

    L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, sive lusus...

    Venice, ‘in aedibus Aldi et Andreae...

    First Aldine edition of the works of...



    Biblioteca Armeno-Georgica. I. Commentarii...

    St Petersburg, Academiae Imperialis Scientarum,...

    Uncommon edition, published by the Imperial...


  12. ARM’S OF TILLY (The).

    The Virtues and Effects, of the Remedy,...

    [Colophon:] Printe [sic] by John Enschedé,...

    Unrecorded printing of an advertising...


  13. [ARNAULD, Antoine, and Pierre NICOLE.]

    La logique ou l’art de penser, contenant,...

    Paris, Jean Guignart, Charles Savreaux,...

    Scarce first edition of the work known...


  14. ASTRUC, Jean. 

    Tractatus de motus fermentativi causa novam...

    Montpellier, Honoratus Pech, 1702. 

    A dissertation on fermentation published...


  15. AUGIER DU FOT, Anne Amable.

    Catechismo d’ostetricia per istruzione...

    Venice, Stamperia Graziosi, 1787.

    Uncommon first Italian edition of this...


  16. BACON, Francis. 

    Francisci Baconi, Baronis de Verulamio,...

    London, Edward Griffin [and John Haviland]...

    First edition, first issue, a copy from...


  17. [BALLANTINE, E.]

    Natural History of Quadrupeds, for Children,...

    London, Harvey & Darton, 1824.

    A scarce work, second edition, the first...


  18. BALLARIN, Vincenzo. 

    Dimostrazione sintetica della quadratura...

    Venice, Fracasso, 1828. 

    First and only edition of this confident...


  19. BARBIERI, Lodovico.

    Trattato di psicologia nel quale si ragiona...

    Venice, Pietro Valvasense, 1756.

    First edition of the polymath Barbieri’s...
