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  1. [TOWNLEY, William Dalison.]

    Punch’s Pocket-Book for 1877, containing a Calendar, Cash Account, Diary and Memoranda for every...

    London, [Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. for] Punch Office, 1877.

    A Punch almanack for 1877 with nearly sixty manuscript diary entries by the seventeen-year-old William Dalison Townley of Fulbourn, near Cambridge, written during the period of illness immediately preceding his untimely death.


  2. [ALMANACK.]

    L’Esprit des chansonniers, extrain [sic?] des meilleurs poëtes.

    Paris, Le Fuel, [1826?].

    A very rare enamelled metal binding with an enchanting design of birds and squirrels, from the collection of the bookbinder, collector, and bibliographer Léon Gruel.


  3. [ENGELBRECHT, Martin.]

    [Vier Jahreszeiten. Serie 89.]

    [Augsburg, Martin Engelbrecht, c. 1750.]

    An attractive hand-coloured engraved peepshow showing the four seasons, with summer in the foreground retreating into winter behind, lined with printed waste from an illustrated Dutch religious broadside.


  4. [ALMANACK.]

    Calendarium Tyrnaviense ad annum Jesu Chris[ti] M. DCC. XXXI[.] …

    [Tyrnau (Trnava), 1731.]

    A remarkable almanack binding of part-printed, part-manuscript vellum, prepared for presentation at the Habsburg court in Vienna to the Genoese diplomat Clemente Doria.



    ‘Hebdomadaire, ou bibliotheque secrete’.

    France, c. 1800.

    A charming miniature diary in seven volumes, hidden within a compartment of a book-form box.


  6. [ALMANACK.]

    London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1820.

    [London,] Printed for the Company of Stationers, [1820].

    An extraordinary binding of silver filigree over blue silk on a miniature London Almanack for 1820.


  7. FENNING, Daniel.

    The Ready Reckoner; or Trader’s most useful Assistant, in buying and selling all sorts of Commodities either...

    London, printed for S. Crowder … and B.C. Collins … in Salisbury, 1785.

    First edition thus, edited by the mathematician and almanack-maker Joseph Moon of Salisbury.


  8. [ALMANACK.]

    Kalendario manual y guia de forasteros en Madrid, para el año de 1806.

    [Madrid,] Imprenta Real, [1806]. [bound with:] Estado militar de España, año de 1806. [Madrid,] Imprenta Real, [1806].

    A handsome and well-preserved Spanish embroidered binding, with metallic threads and sequins around a colourful garden scene.


  9. [LOUIS XIV.]

    L’oraison funebre de tres-haute, tres-excellente et tres-puissante princesse monarchie universelle. Prononcée le...

    ‘Cologne’, s.n., ‘1705’ [1704].

    Sole edition, very rare and virtually unstudied, of ‘one of the most curious and violent pamphlets published against Louis XIV’ (Pelissier, trans.).


  10. MARX, Karl.

    Capital. A critical analysis of capitalist production … translated from the third edition by Samuel Moore and Edward...

    London, Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co., 1887.

    A remarkably well preserved copy of the first edition in English of Marx’s Das Kapital, translated by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling, and published in London four years after Marx’s death under the editorship of Engels. ‘Aveling was the husband of Marx’s youngest daugher, Eleanor,...


  11. [FAIRFAX, Joan.]

    T.J. & J. Smith’s Pocket Diary.

    1901 … London, T.J. Smith, Son, & Downes, [1901].

    A manuscript diary for 1901 detailing a year in the life of Joan Fairfax, a twenty-one-year-old aristocratic woman living in Yorkshire at the very end of the Victorian era, describing balls, social calls, and motherhood. 


  12. FLEMING, Alexander, Sir.

    On the antibacterial Action of Cultures of a Penicillium, with special Reference to their Use in...

    [London, H.K. Lewis & Co., 1944.]

    Second edition of Fleming’s study announcing the discovery of penicillin, one of 250 copies which Fleming commissioned to be printed in 1944. The original offprint, issued in 1929 in 150 copies and liberally distributed by Fleming to the scientific community at large for the prompt furthering...


  13. PIERTZ, Leonhard, Praesidens; Johann Ernst SCHLERETH, Respondens.

    De sacramentis in specie, Eucharistia et Poenitentia...

    Würzburg, Johann Michael Kleyer, 1703.

    A good copy of this rare Würzburg dissertation on the sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance, under the Jesuit professor Leonhard Piertz (1662–1741). The dissertation discusses when the Eucharist was instituted, what verbal formulae are necessary for consecration, whether the Eucharistic sacrifice...


  14. [POETS’ GUILD.]

    Tsekh Poetov I [–III].

    Berlin, S. Efron, 1922[–3].

    First edition of this literary almanack from the newly re-established Poets’ Guild, first formed in 1911 and with members including Gumilev, Gorodetsky, and Mandelstam, the core of whom became known as the Acmeists.


  15. [BEER.]

    Jenaischer allgemeiner Bier-Comment nebst angehängtem Bier-Prozess.

    ‘Eschwig, Otter & Kunitz, 183*.’

    An apparently unrecorded humorous handbook of drinking rules for students at the university of Jena, famous both as a centre of German idealism and Romanticism, and for its professors, who included Schiller, Fichte, Hegel, and Schlegel.


  16. [KAFKA, Franz, Max BROD, et al.]

    Das bunte Buch.

    Leipzig, Kurt Wolff Verlag, 1914.

    First edition of this literary almanack, containing Kafka’s short story Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter. The story had been published as part of Kafka’s first collection, Betrachtung, earlier in the year.


  17. [TREATIES.]

    Volume of tracts on European treaties of peace and alliance.

    Vienna and Amsterdam, 1725-1731.

    A collection of scarce texts relating to the Peace of Vienna (1725) and subsequent treaties of Hanover (1725), Paris (1727), Seville (1729), and Vienna (1731), with contemporary manuscript additions in Italian and French clearly composed by someone in diplomatic service. The collection eloquently...


  18. MELCHIOR, Christian. 

    ‘Synechia sive summa lectionum Plutarchicarum a domino conrectore huius scholae Salderianae praelectarum. ...

    [Brandenburg an der Havel, 1620.] 

    An unpublished early seventeenth-century manuscript recording lectures on Plutarch’s pedagogical work On the Education of Children, bound with a scarce printed edition of the same text, and a rare edition of the poems of Theognis and other Greek lyric poets, each with numerous marginal and...



    Admirable Travels of Messieurs Thomas Jenkins and David Lowellin through the unknown Tracts of Africa: with...

    London, ‘for the Benefit of Robert Barker, an unfortunate blind man’, 1785.

    Rare, a lively chapbook novella of adventures and tribulations in Africa, fusing elements of a Robinsonade with a brief utopia.



    Voeux dus a l’amitié de Msr. Charles Gottlob Wiesner qui apres avoir heuresement fait ses...

    Breslau, Charles Guillaume (i.e. Carl Wilhelm) Grass, [1754].

    Two poignant and seemingly unrecorded poems by schoolboys at the Elisabet-Gymnasium in Breslau (now Wrocław), printed two days apart, each mourning the departure of an older pupil for the University of Halle.
