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  1. POUND, Ezra.

    Gaudier-Brzeska, a Memoir …

    [London,] The Marvell Press, [1960].

    Revised edition, inscribed by Dorothy Pound on behalf of her husband to ‘J[oyce] + G[eoffrey] Bridson. DP for EP / Sept 1961. Brunnenburg’.


  2. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    The Letters … Edited by W.K. Rose.

    London, Methuen & Co. Ltd, [1963].

    First edition. Letters to Bridson appear on pp. 540 and 545.



    Three Christmas cards, signed from Christopher and Valda, or Valda alone, undated.


    The two cards signed from both Christopher and Valda (but in her hand) carry generic messages, the third evidently sent after Christopher’s death, laments ‘I don’t seem to get anything done. Will need to snap out of it – I’ve got all Christopher’s papers sorted – most have gone to Edin...


  4. SULLIVAN, J.P., editor.

    Ezra Pound, a critical Anthology.

    [London, Penguin, 1970.]

    First edition.


  5. JOYCE, James.

    Pomes Penyeach.

    London, Faber & Faber, [1952].

    Sixth Faber printing.



    High Death.

    Falkland, K.D. Duval, 1970.

    1 of 100 copies, inscribed ‘with affection and some embarrassment Valda’.



    Sovremennyĭ sotsializm v svoem istoricheskom razvitii.

    St. Petersburg, Buduschnost’, 1906.

    First edition of Tugan-Baranoskiĭ’s work on socialism; it was translated into English as Modern Socialism in its Historical Development by M. I. Redmount and published in 1910. After dismissal from his position at the University of St. Petersburg in 1899 for ‘political unreliability’, Tugan-Baranoskiĭ...


  8. POWYS, John Cowper.


    London, John Lane, The Bodley Head, [1934].

    First edition, signed on the half-title ‘John Cowper Powys, April 1935’. A very nice copy of a work not often found signed.


  9. POUND, Erza.

    Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, con un manifesto vorticista.

    Galleria Apollinaire Milano [Milan, All’insegna del pesce d’oro [Scheiwiller], 1957].

    First edition thus, no. 123 of 500 copies, a translation by Pound’s daughter Mary de Rachewiltz of extracts from ‘Gaudier: a Postscript’ and ‘Vortex’ on the occasion of an exhibition at the Galleria Apollinaire in December 1957.


  10. [POUND, Ezra.]

    CONTINO, Vittorugo, photographer. Prospectus for: Ezra Pound in Italia, dai Canti Pisani. Spots & Dots.

    Venice, Gianfranco Ivancich, [1970?].

    Prospectus in English for Gallup B100, comprising a brief introduction by Pound, and photographs of Pound and Venice, extracts from The Pisan Cantos and some answers by Pound to questions by Pasolini and Ronsisvalle.


  11. [BIBLE, Ecclesiasticus.]

    Σοφια Σειραχ sive Ecclesiasticus, Graece ad exemplar Romanum, et Latine ex interpretatione...

    Franeker, Gilles van den Rade, 1596.

    First editions of two scholarly works by the distinguished Flemish theologian and orientalist Joannes Drusius (1550–1616), who served as professor of oriental languages at Oxford and Leiden, and then of Hebrew at Franeker.


  12. GLEICHEN, Edward.

    With the mission to Menelik 1897 ...

    London, Edward Arnold, 1898.

    First edition recounting the author’s participation in an 1897 diplomatic mission to Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia. An Anglicised German from the family of Hohenlohe whose hereditary estate dated back to the early seventeenth century, Gleichen served first as a courtier (he was Paige of Honour to...


  13. CARDINALL, Allan Wolsey.

    In Ashanti & beyond. The record of a resident magistrate’s many years in tropical Africa, his arduous...

    London, Seeley, Service & Co., 1927.

    First edition, a very nice copy, one of a number of books by the colonial administrator in Africa and later governor of the Falkland Islands Sir Allan Wolsey Cardinall (1887-1956) describing his time in the Gold Coast and Ashanti, present-day Ghana.


  14. BYRON, [George Gordon Noel], Lord, and Thomas MOORE, biographer.

    The Works of Lord Byron, with his Letters...

    London, [A. & R. Spottiswoode for] John Murray, 1832 [– 1833; – 1837].

    A handsome set, attractively bound in Art Deco green morocco, of the collected works of Lord Byron, accompanied by Moore’s life of the poet.


  15. FREEMAN, Arthur, and Janet ING FREEMAN.

    Courtship, Slander, and Treason: Studies of Mary Queen of Scots, the Fourth Duke...

    London, 2019.

    Courtship, Slander, and Treason presents two independent but complementary studies of episodes in the career of Mary, Queen of Scots after her flight to England in 1568: her ‘forbidden match’ with the ranking English peer Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk, in 1568–72, and her own...


  16. [DELAMARCHE, Alexandre, cartographer; Bernard COUDERT, lithographer.]


    Paris, Legay, [c. 1889].

    An attractive set of large educational jigsaw maps showing the world, Europe, and France, preserved in its original allegorical box.


  17. APULEIUS, Lucius. 

    L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, sive lusus Asini libri XI.  Floridoru[m] IIII.  De deo Socratis I.  De philosophia...

    Venice, ‘in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri’, May 1521. 

    First Aldine edition of the works of the second-century AD Numidian novelist Apuleius, with the editio princeps of Alcinous’s second-century handbook on Plato’s philosophy in the original Greek, from the library of the great French writer Victor Hugo. 


  18. Aristotle: From Antiquity to the Modern Era.

    Preface by Martin J. Gross. Essays by Benjamin Morison and Barbara Scalvini.

    Lewes, D. Giles Ltd for the Martin J. Gross Family Foundation, 2021.

    Aristotle’s influence towers over western philosophy and science. His astonishing range and depth – philosophy and logic, the physical and natural sciences, ethics and politics – make him indisputably the most important intellectual figure in the western tradition before the modern age.


  19. PACE, Giulio.

    Artis Lullianae emendatae libri IV. Quibus docetur methodus, per quam magna terminorum generalium, attributorum,...

    Naples, Secondino Roncagliolo, 1631.

    Rare third edition (first 1618) of this summary of Ramon Lull’s Ars Magna by the famous Protestant Italian Aristotelian scholar and jurist Giulio Pace (1550-1635), whose edition of the Organon was for a long time the standard edition of Aristotle’s works on logic. Pace’s introduction to Lull dates...
