Art & Architecture
Contact Alex Day or Andrea Mazzocchi
Art & Architecture encompasses a broad sweep of material, from early works concerning architecture and architectural history, and books and manuscripts on the fine arts and aesthetics, antiquities and archaeology, to pattern and design books, and private press books and fine bindings. The department also handles original artwork, artistic archives, posters, and propaganda material.
PETRINI, Giovanni.
Sixteen copper engravings depicting scenes from the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary.
[Rome, late eighteenth century.]
An attractive volume containing sixteen engravings by Giovanni Petrini of scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, including renderings of famous paintings by the likes of Correggio, Poussin, Titian, Raphael, and Rubens.
The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library: English Literature, 1475–1700.
New York, Privately Printed [at the Morrill Press], 1940.
First edition, limited, numbered 17 of 150 copies and signed by Pforzheimer on the frontispiece portrait, from the library of the pre-eminent collector of English literature Robert S. Pirie.
PIECK, Henri C.
10 Dagen Die De Wereld Deden Wankelen.
Amsterdam, Skovino, 1927.
A rare lithograph of Pieck’s dramatic illustration for Ten Days that Shook the World (October in English), a silent film commissioned by the Soviet government to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the October Revolution. Made by the director of Battleship Potemkin (1925), Sergei Eisenstein, the...
PIGHIUS, Stephanus Vinandus.
Themis dea, seu de lege divina … Mythologia … in quatuor anni partes, ab auctore recognita.
Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1568.
First and only edition, scarce, of Pighius’s two treatises on Roman archaeology, one of the founding texts of scientific research into myths.
Centro dei Comunisti. Lotta di classe e potere politico in Portogallo (Quaderni Comunisti).
Rome, 26 September 1975.
An historical overview of the Portuguese ‘Carnation Revolution’ of 25 April 1974 and its aftermath, including a reproduction of João Abel Manta’s famous poster showing Vasco Gonçalves, Portugal’s prime minister, with his arms around a member of the MFA (Movimento das Forças Armadas)...£100
Twenty-nine manuscript postcards.
London, 1912–c. 1920?.
A rare, personal, and comic snapshot into London life and English humour in the first quarter of the twentieth-century.
POUND, Erza.
Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, con un manifesto vorticista.
Galleria Apollinaire Milano [Milan, All’insegna del pesce d’oro [Scheiwiller], 1957].
First edition thus, no. 123 of 500 copies, a translation by Pound’s daughter Mary de Rachewiltz of extracts from ‘Gaudier: a Postscript’ and ‘Vortex’ on the occasion of an exhibition at the Galleria Apollinaire in December 1957.
POUND, Ezra.
Gaudier-Brzeska, a Memoir …
[London,] The Marvell Press, [1960].
Revised edition, inscribed by Dorothy Pound on behalf of her husband to ‘J[oyce] + G[eoffrey] Bridson. DP for EP / Sept 1961. Brunnenburg’.
POUND Omar S. and Philip GROVER.
Wyndham Lewis a Descriptive Bibliography … With a Checklist of B.B.C. Broadcasts compiled...
Folkestone, Dawson / Archon Books, [1978].
First edition. Bridson’s checklist appears on pp. 163-75.
Les Pseaumes de David, mis en Vers François, revus et approuvez par le Synode Walon des Provinces-Unies. Nouvelle Edition.
Amsterdam, ‘aux dépens de l’Eglise Françoise de Londres’, 1729’.
New edition of the metrical Psalms of the Pléiade poet Clément Marot and the theologian Théodore de Bèze, extensively revised, with a new version of 149 Psalms, printed for the use of Huguenot émigrés.
[PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich.]
Iubileinyi Al’bom v pamiat’ stoletiia so dnia rozhdeniia poeta 1799–1899 [A Jubilee Album...
St Petersburg, A.F. Marx, 1899.
First edition of an album in celebration of Pushkin, published as a supplement in the literary magazine Niva.
Guillaume Postel (1510–1581).
Quaritch, 2006.
A catalogue of a collection of the works of the Renaissance scholar and Arabist, Guillaume Postel. ‘Not only does it include editions of quite exceptional rarity, to be found in few libraries on either side of the Atlantic, but it illustrates every moment of Postel’s extraordinary career and...
QUARITCH, Bernard Alexander Christian, editor.
Contributions towards a Dictionary of English Book-Collectors as also of...
London, Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 1969.
A facsimile reprint of Quaritch’s series of profiles of bibliophiles, with brief lists of the treasures of their collections and notes on their dispersal at auction or in the trade, which remains a useful resource both for the history of book-collecting in Britain and for provenance research. Contributions...
[RALEIGH, Henry Patrick].
Must children die and mothers plead in vain? Buy More Liberty Bonds.
New York, Sakett & Wilhelms Corp., [1918].
This poster was produced to for the sale of the third or fourth liberty loans in 1918, which saw the printing of 9 and 10 million promotional posters produced, respectively. The large-scale of the effort was seen to reflect a turning point in war advertising. As the US was an immigrant nation, the Federal...
Essay on the Architecture of the Hindús … with forty-eight Plates.
London, John William Parker for the Royal Asiatic Society, 1834.
First edition, scarce on the market, of this pioneering and handsomely illustrated essay on Indian architecture by the linguist and lawyer Ram Raz (c. 1790–c. 1833).
Trugbilder: Eine Anleitung Erscheinungen, auf optischer Täuschung beruhend, nach Belieben hervorzuheben und wissenschaftliche...
Stuttgart, Rieger, 1865.
First German edition, rare, of this fascinating study of mirages and optical illusions, in particular ghostly apparitions, in which the author attempts to demonstrate using the principles of optics how they might appear, with the aim of proving the absurdity of the superstitions to which they...
[REYNOLDS, Joshua, Sir].
A Discourse, delivered at the Opening of the Royal Academy, January 2, 1769 [also: October 16,...
London: Printed in the Year 1769.
First editions of seven discourses addressed by Reynolds to the newly founded Royal Academy, of which he was the first President.
RICCI, Giovanni and PORTA, Ercolano.
Storia della missione francescana e del Vicariato Apostolico del Hunan meridionale dalle sue...
Bologna, Stabilimenti tipografici riuniti, 1925.
First and only edition of this history of the Franciscan Mission in South Hunan from its establishment to 1924, with particular attention to the persecution of the Christians during the Boxer Rebellion and the following years of restoration and progress of the mission. The appendix comprises letters,...
RICKMAN, Thomas.
An attempt to discriminate the styles of English architecture from the Conquest to the Reformation with notices...
London, [1819].
Second, much enlarged edition, of Rickman’s celebrated investigation into Gothic architecture which was originally published in 1817. ‘This, the first systematic treatise on Gothic architecture in England, soon became well known, and Rickman’s nomenclature was followed by all subsequent writers...
The dwellings of the labouring classes, their arrangement and construction, illustrated by a reference to the model...
London, Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes, 1850.
First edition of one of the most important publications on philanthropic housing by the architect and housing reformer Henry Roberts (1803-1876).