
Contact Andrea Mazzocchi

Science at Quaritch is broadly defined, ranging from medicine, anatomy, pharmacology (including herbals) and natural history to astronomy, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

An interest in the origins of modern chemistry has led to a specialisation in works on alchemy and distillation, and from there we have also branched out into occultism and hermeticism. We have developed an interest in gastronomy and books on nutrition and wine, an area which over the years has become one of our specialities.
  1. [BUNBURY, Henry William.] ‘GAMBADO, Geoffrey’.

    An Academy for grown Horsemen, containing...

    London, W. Dickinson, S. Hooper, and Messrs...

    Limited edition, reprinted from the...


  2. GABARO, Antonio. 

    Alla pregiatissima Signora Domenica Schiavon...

    Padua, ‘Nella Tipografia del Seminario’,...

    First and only edition, very rare, of...



    Almae Urbis Medicorum ex antiquis Romanorum...

    Rome, Printer of the Apostolic Chamber,...

    The very rare enlarged and updated issue...


  4. [CASTILLO Y SORIANO, José del.]

    Amor á la creacion. Poesia dedicada á...

    Madrid, Sociedad de Tipógrafos, 1879.

    Very rare survival: a poem in twenty-four...


  5. BINGLEY, William.

    Animal Biography, or authentic Anecdotes...

    London, R. Taylor & Co. for Richard Phillips,...

    Third edition of Bingley’s most popular...


  6. CUVIER, Georges, and Edward BLYTH (editor).

    The animal Kingdom, arranged after its...

    London, William S. Orr & Co., 1851.

    Third Blyth edition of Cuvier’s Règne...


  7. [BUNBURY, Henry William.] ‘GAMBADO, Geoffrey’.

    Annals of Horsemanship, containing Accounts...

    London, W. Nicholson for W. Baynes, 1808.

    Third edition of Bunbury’s satirical...



    Apparatus medicaminum ad usum nosocomii...

    Pavia, Joseph Bolzani, [1790].

    Very rare first edition of this pharmacopoeia...


  9. CARDINALL, Allan Wolsey.

    In Ashanti & beyond. The record of a resident...

    London, Seeley, Service & Co., 1927.

    First edition, a very nice copy, one...


  10. EHRLICH, Paul.

    Autograph letter, signed, addressed to...

    [Frankfurt,] ‘Westendstrasse 62’,...

    A brief note by the bacteriologist Paul...


  11. [CHOLERA.]

    Bitte wegen der Cholera, welche bei den...

    [Württemberg: s.n., 11 October 1831].

    Cholera, the ‘plague’ of the nineteenth...


  12. [ANATOMY.]

    ‘Breve compendio anatomico’.

    [Italy, c. 1720.]

    A handsome set of apparently unpublished...


  13. EYRE, Henry.

    A Brief Account of the Holt Waters, containing...

    London: Printed for J. Roberts … 1731.

    First edition. The waters from Bath, Bristol...


  14. OSBALDISTON, William Augustus.

    The British Sportsman, or Nobleman, Gentleman,...

    London, J. Stead for the Proprietor, and...

    First edition, issued in forty-two parts,...


  15. AUGIER DU FOT, Anne Amable.

    Catechismo d’ostetricia per istruzione...

    Venice, Stamperia Graziosi, 1787.

    Uncommon first Italian edition of this...


  16. MARKHAM, Gervase.

    Cavalarice, or the English Horseman: Contayning...

    London, Edward Allde for Edward White,...

    A beautiful copy of the second edition,...


  17. [APPERLEY, Charles James.] ‘NIMROD’, and Henry ALKEN (illustrator).

    The Chace, the Turf, and the Road.

    London, A. Spottiswoode for John Murray, 1837.

    First edition of a series of articles...


  18. MARTINENQ, Jean Baptiste Thomas.

    Codex medicamentarius, seu pharmacopoea...

    Paris, apud Guillelmum Cavelier, 1748.

    Revised and enlarged edition (first...



    A collection of eighty-seven doctoral dissertations...

    Montpellier, various publishers, 1800–1810.

    An extraordinary collection, bound up...
